Mitigation activities are gearing up at several locations along the South Platte River, including Cigar Lake, the Southern Oxbow, Willow Creek, Titan Lake, and Lower Titan Lake.
During a high runoff event in 2015, erosion occurred in a former oxbow channel of the South Platte River adjacent to Titan Lake, a gravel pit created in the 1950’s. This erosion caused a breach of the river into Titan Lake, depositing a large delta of sediment in the lake. The high flows also scoured out the north spillway channel of Titan Lake and dropped the level of the lake by about six feet. Future high flows in the South Platte River pose a high risk of further channel breaches and severe erosion that threaten existing bird, non-critical PMJM, and wetlands habitats, and the mature Cottonwood grove along the channel.
Mitigation activities have been authorized by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and are gearing up at several locations along the South Platte River, including Cigar Lake, the Southern Oxbow, Willow Creek, Titan Lake, and Lower Titan Lake. No work will occur within the actual South Platte River channel.
Modifications include excavation to improve groundwater conditions, micro-topographical grading to emulate natural secondary channels, and seeding and planting. To minimize potential for further degradation from bank failures during high flows, mitigation measures will include berm construction to direct high flows; grade control structures in the former oxbow channel to prevent the South Platte from changing course; and replacing the outlet structure for Titan Lake to restore water levels in and around the lake.
For construction access and safety reasons, certain trails will be closed during construction. CRMC, Chatfield State Park, and the contractor are working closely to minimize the closed trails in the area, however, we are depending on the public’s cooperation to stay off any closed trails in order to keep closures to a minimum. The trail closures are anticipated to remain in place until Spring 2019. Please click here fore a detailed map of the current trail closures in effect.
For more detailed information on the planned construction activities within the South Platte River area, please visit our Environment Mitigation webpage.
Please continue to visit for the latest information on construction activities and closures.