Plum Creek Onsite Environmental Mitigation Project to commence as early as November 13, 2017

Herbicides applied along Plum Creek
November 1, 2017
Construction Activities Planned for Early December
November 30, 2017

The Chatfield Reservoir Mitigation Company (CRMC) and its project participants have been working with the United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), Colorado Department of Natural Resources (CDNR), environmental groups and other stakeholders for over 25 years to implement the Chatfield Storage Reallocation Project.

The CRMC is happy to report that on November 8, 2017, the USACE provided the CDNR with a Letter of Authorization for the construction of the Plum Creek Onsite Environmental Mitigation Project, an important environmental enhancement component of the overall project. Based on that authorization, the CRMC has provided its Contractor (Concrete Express, Inc.) with a Notice to Proceed with construction.

The Plum Creek Onsite Environmental Mitigation Project is located within the Park boundaries and is a tributary to the reservoir. The project involves approximately 4,200 feet of stream restoration, over 50,000 new plantings, and significant re-contouring. The project will address the significant erosion or head cutting that is occurring within this stream reach. Construction activities will commence the week of November 13, 2017 and is anticipated to be complete by the fall of 2018.